Well, so much for "over the next few days!" They stopped his prostaglandin today to allow his ductus to close on its own because his heart echos are showing the blood is now flowing left to right, which is what we've been waiting for. This means his heart is pumping like it should and hopeful means it will handle having that ductus closed.
The doctor also said that he wanted to start feeding him again. He was not concerned with what the nurses pulled from baby's stomach because he said pulling the milk back out of the line creates enough suction to pull bile from the upper intestines. In short-- baby eating & baby pooping! A lot! :-)
He's also peeing a lot. He lost 3 oz which was probably water weight. He weighs 545 grams or 1 lb 3 oz. I hope that now he's getting breast milk that he will start gaining weight. He only gets 1 ml every 4 hours or so- not very much. He will also continue getting liquid nutrition (fluids & glucose) through his PICC line.
He still has his little heart rate drops, but again, doctor isn't concerned at the moment. Blood pressure on last check was 34 which is great for my preemie pumpkin. All is well today with our son! And more exciting news-- his right eye is now opening too!!! He looks more like an alien than ever, but he's my little alien baby and I love it!! I'm a proud and excited momma, daddy's pretty excited too YAY! (forgive my exclamations)
Hang in there little baby boy!
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