Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dec 22, 27 days old

Updates today & yesterday...
Lucas had a great day yesterday. They were able to ween him down on the vent settings significantly. He is at 28% oxygen off and on. They did increase his feedings to 2.5 ml over 4 hrs. They heard a heart murmur yesterday and today which could mean his ductus is either opening or closing-- his heart echo today will tell us, but the results arent in, so we'll probably hear in the morning update tomorrow. Hope all continues to go well and Brandon gets his turn at holding Lucas soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love to see the pics of you and Brandon finally getting to hold him. So precious. Sounds like your little man is holding his own and getting stronger every day. Continued prayers and positive thoughts for continued good news and progress.
    Kelly Rank
