Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dec. 14- 19 days old

Lucas getting his oral care from mommy

The doctor informed us this morning that Lucas's xray of his lungs looked "much better" this morning. He was supposed to get another one tonight and we haven't heard back on it yet. This is good news, although they don't know which of the three things they did made a difference. I suspect its likely a combination, but for sure the diuretics seemed to help the last time. They're still working on closing the PDA and cannot feed him until he comes off the indomethacin. He should have a heart scan tomorrow or Friday to see if the medicine is working. The doctor said though he's a sick little boy, he's happy with Lucas's response to treatment and is optimistic.

1 comment:

  1. I have been following Lucas's story and am in awe of his will power and fortitude. Such a strong little man. Keep fighting the good fight Lucas and family. My prayers continue to be with you all.
