Lucas has had some pretty good days over the last 48 hours. He still has small episodes throughout the day where his blood gases and blood oxygen level are below 80%, but these ups and downs are normal. He's been on his lowest oxygen levels since he was born 25-40%, mostly 25% all day yesterday
His greatest opportunity yesterday was that his heart rate kept falling suddenly and dramatically at unpredicatable and sporatic times throughout the day below 90 beats per minute. He's normally between 140-170 beats. His heart beat would drop suddenly and then recover, sometimes within a few seconds, sometimes in a few minutes. The doctor was not overly concerned because his oxygen needs were so good, but he was curious what was causing Lucas's heart to do this. Lucas's echo of his heart and lungs all looked normal.
Right now we continue to pray for more good days. The Umbilical cord IV has been removed because of the increased risk of infection leaving it in poses. A PICC line has replaced it (defined a few posts ago). Kristen is excited to be producing more and more milk for Lucas, but the attempt to feed him yesterday resulted in the decision to wait a few more days because baby wasn't digesting the first dose he was given.
Next steps: Baby will be continue receiving nurion via IV through his new PICC line. Blood will be drawn and transfused on a daily or every other day basis. In the next few days, doctors will probably stop the Prostaglandin to let the PDA (heart ductus) close up on its own again. They will also begin weening baby off the hydrocortisone steroid thats been keeping his blood pressure high and stable. As these changes are made, we face the potential of some more tough days, but eventually baby needs to be stable on his own, without the use of steroids which have their own set of side effects.
Thank-you for the continued prayers!
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