Saturday, December 3, 2011

8 days old... baby's first snow day

My sweet son is doing well today. His numbers look much much better today than yesterday. I've been here most of the day watching how the nurses work with him. He's still up and down on his blood gases and blood pressure at times. They've taken him off the blood pressure medication dobutamine which is normally used to treat heart failure. His blood pressures were irratically low yesterday. He is now on a steroid to help increase his blood pressure. His blood pressure today has ranged in the high 30s to 50s, but the doctor said that he is ok with this. Lucas was weened down from 82% oxygen at 11 AM down to 49% as of 4:40 pm, but each time a procedure has to be done like an x-ray, ultra sound, or placing a new line to draw blood from my boo doesnt like it so well and he tends to need more oxygen.

Right now they are running a new arterial line because the one they placed yesterday already has stopped letting them draw blood from it. I'm not sure how long this takes, but its been about 45 minutes. I'm hoping he's doing well back there and we continue to have a good night. Bright news! The nurse said she saw Lucas try to open his left eye! I think in the next few days we will see his tiny eyes! I'm super excited about this.

 For all those praying for us- THANK YOU! I believe God hears you and he's rooting for our Lucas. Before all this, I didn't pray enough, but I may just be making up for it now. Thank you Lord for my friends, my family and every moment I get to know my son. Bring us safely through this trial and give me courage to get through the downs and rejoice in the ups. Amen. Its a good thing God is a good translator :)



  1. Anxiously awaiting every update. Continuing to pray for Lucas, you, Brandon, his caregivers and your families. PLEASE let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
    Kelly Rank

  2. I am glad that his numbers are doing better. We are still praying for him and both you and your hubby. Let me know if you need anything at all.

    Chelsey Greer

  3. Praying every day for a miracle for your little one. (I was praying at 3 am as I was trying to get back to sleep.) Constantly praying for you and Brandon too. Can't wait to see what God will do! Blessings, Becky Marchbank

  4. I will let you guys know if there is anything I can think for you to do. Right now I feel well taken care of at the hospital. I get meal vouchers for lunch and dinner & they have a continental breakfast, so brandon and I usually only have to pay for one or two meals for one of us a day. Well wishes and prayers are what we need most. As he gets bigger or has his down days, I may call upon you more. Thanks for everything!
