Tuesday, December 6, 2011

11 days old

Lucas is having a great day again! His oxygen needs on the ventilator are down to room levels- 21-22% which is great. We don't know when he'll be ready to be off the ventilator, but the lower the settings, the lower the risk of long term damage. He had another arterial line placed last night for continual monitoring of his blood pressure. His pressures are in the 40s which is ok. They inserted a new IV to pull blood from for tests in the baby's scalp because those veins are easy to see. They'll be weening him off the nitric oxide gas today and his PDA is responding well to stopping the prostaglandin.

Baby's left eye is open even more. I know he can't really see me yet, but it feels awesome to have him look at me. I got to hold his little hand today and he gripped my finger. I'm definitely a proud momma!

I think all the prayers are working and again, I thank you for them today and in the weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. so happy to see the good news over the last couple of days! I will say Yay too!! Keep on fighting, Lucas, and we'll keep praying.
