Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lucas update!

You can see his little hair!

Kristen and I are sitting at the hospital and we have an update on Lucas's status.

Lucas's oxygen needs are better. He went from 93% at 7 a.m. to 63% at 11:30 to 49% at 1 p.m. The doctors are continuing to give him nitrous oxide to help his lungs. The doctor said that they did another scan of his heart and the medicine is working to open the PDA back up, which seems to be helping his breathing and relieving the pressure on the right side of his heart.

For now, they are going to keep the PDA open so that it doesn't cause his heart to have excess pressure. Down the road, if there is too much blood going to his lungs, they are going to have to look at closing the PDA by then. Hopefully, if it comes to that, his heart will have developed more so that it can handle the pressure of the valve closing.

They took another look at his brain today due to the trauma he had last night and found that there wasn't a difference between the two scans, indicating there's no damage. Sometimes, however, it takes time to show brain injury or bleeding. They will be scanning his brain again on Tuesday pending no issues.

He received a blood transfusion, which improved his red blood cell count. His white blood cell count has improved.

His jaundice is a little worse, so he's back on the phototherapy for now.

The doctors were able to get the arterial line in this morning, thank goodness. So, right now he's stable and tiny as ever.

The rollercoaster ride has already begun. We're on our second climb up to the next plummet.

~Kristen and Jamie
Mommy's first picture

1 comment:

  1. The blood transfusion will help his jaundice too.
