Lucas had an X-ray of his lungs this morning. The X-ray looked cloudier than previous scans. The possible reasons for this are infection or because the PDA is causing more blood to travel to his lungs than the doctor would like to see. The doctor started antibiotics again in case of infection and he also said he was going to wait on allowing the PDA to close for a few more days. Lucas lost 1 oz since his last weigh in - they weigh him every night after 8 PM. He is now 1lb 6oz. The doctor also said that he'll be giving him some medicine that makes him pee even more-- so don't be surprised if he loses more weight! The baby is still on low oxygen levels- about 28% and has only had a few heart rate dips today when they're moving him for tests or cares. So far, so good on the Lucas front today- we'll be listening to see if his lungs look any better after the interventions being made. They've been making progress weening Lucas off the nitric oxide gas, but I forgot to look to see if they had to bring it back up or not... silly momma.
As for me, my blood pressure was up a bit this morning. I was taken off one of the medications Tuesday, but I took my pressure 4 times and it was lower each time (started at 185/102). Yay for Yoga breathing! I just need to not stress out and I'll be ok-- easier said than done! Good news is I haven't thought about Christmas shopping at all... The greatest gift I can offer is my friendship and love, so Peace, Love and Happy holidays to all!
Personally, you have already given me the greatest gift this Christmas. You gave us Lucas...a courageous, strong and beautiful little man that truly has blessed us all by opening our hearts to a new kind of love and passion and also rekindled faith and belief that miracles surround us...even in the smallest packages! My heart, prayers and thanks are with you!
having you around is the best gift anyone can ask for take care hun