Friday, December 16, 2011

21 days old- 3 weeks

We've made it 3 weeks! We have had only two rough days to speak of and are very grateful for all the continued thoughts and prayers. Though we are reminded that our son is a sick little boy, we are distinctly aware of how much worse it could be.

His lungs continue to look better than a few days ago, though his PDA remains open a small, itsy bitsy bit. He has gained weight, though the doctors are pretty sure much of this weight gain is water weight (caused by the indomethacin) and are keeping him on the diuretics and cutting back a little on the fluids he's getting to manage this. His length gets measured every Sunday and we found out yesterday that last Sunday he measured at 12 1/4 inches. This means he's grown 1 1/4 inch since Nov. 25! It's amazing to me how much more important inches and ounces are to me now! They started him back on feedings (feeds they call it), though at a small dose. He's on ~ 40% oxygen (we breathe at ~21%) but they did scale down some of the ventilator settings (dont quite know how but its a good thing).

Its nice right now that our biggest decision concerning Lucas is whether or not to get the picture with Santa in the NICU that they offer. Share your opinion on this in the comments... I'm not sure this is how I want to capture his first Christmas or not since he cannot be held.

I'm doing ok, but am experiencing a bit more pain lately. I'm off the pain pills all together (too stuborn and/or forgetful to take regular ibuprofin) and I've probably been doing more than I should be. I guess this experience has taught me that I have a higher pain tolerence than I once believed! We're grateful for a lot right now and happy to be living in 2011 rather than 1911 or 1811-- I might not be here if I was born in another century.


  1. Truly amazing how much we will endure for our little preemies!!

  2. I say take the picture with Santa. Years from now you will look back at this time and not remember just how tiny he was. He will love to see just how far he has come.

    My son was born at 3lb. and 9oz. Three years later and I can't believe how far he has come.

    Take foot prints at various intervals too as another measure of his growth.

    Continued prayer for your family.

    Andrea (worked at Marriott with Jamie)

  3. I say go for the picture Kristen. What an awesome keepsake for when he starts to date! Lots of love to all of you!.


  4. Go for the picture i say a sweet one with santa over the isolete prayers to you and yours

  5. LOL Donna! I signed up today. I figure I'd rather regret taking a picture (which I can always give to a grandma) than regret not taking it, a moment I cant get back.
