Friday, February 24, 2012

I made it to 5lbs!

Lucas is 5lbs 1.6 ounces as of last night! Yay! Glad we waited to buy that car seat. He is still a ways away from coming home. We're making little progress on eating from the bottle but great progress on growing. He's up to 43 ml every 3 hours, but they've got him back on oxygen during his feedings because his oxygen saturations drop while he's eating a lot. He scratched his face for the first time and his little fingernails are getting long. Mommy was excited to sleep in a little today and get a shower. Daddy got baby to eat for him last night. Baby thanks everyone for all the gifts and continuing prayers as he gets bigger and stronger every day. Lucas welcomes baby B to the world today. Congratulations to Tracy on her beautiful baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! 5 pounds is awesome news!!! The photos of him are so cute! I can't wait to meet him in person!
