Lucas's operation appears to have gone well and he is healing well too. His little eyes are still red, but he's opening them a lot more as of yesterday. He came off the ventilator @ ~ 11:30 AM on Tuesday and came off all oxygen support Wednesday morning. He's back to breathing on his own and is now in his big boy crib! We get comments from the nursing staff often saying how big he is and how cute he is. They've all watched him grow too but because of their rounds, some of them havent seen him in weeks so they can really see the difference. We're still working on his feedings, getting used to bottle feeding. He has a new bottle that you can control & gradually increase the flow of milk- its pretty awesome. Our next hurdles are getting through the feeding pathway and hopefully getting through all his eye exams with two thumbs up. He'll get eye exams every week. We'll have a better idea whether the surgery worked in a few weeks.
Wow Lucas! You are a fighter and I can only imagine how proud your parents are of every challenge you have tackled and mastered. Keep breaking every barrier!