Friday, February 10, 2012

11 weeks old

Lucas has been on room air --no oxygen support-- since 10 PM last night. YAY! This is super exciting for me. He took a full 16 minute breast feeding at 9:30 this morning and seemed particularly hungry without having any episodes whatsoever. He did have some trouble with his oxygen saturations and got the hiccups so I put him back and am taking the opportunity to update the blog. He's doing very well. His last eye exam showed that his eyes look better (no worse) and he had an echo of his heart which showed that the PDA is small rather than moderate-- also good. Baby roo is growing like a week at 4 lbs 4 oz. He seems pretty happy this morning. Its been hard balancing time with him and work. I'm here all morning and then straight to work Tuesday-Saturday, but I did take this Saturday off for a friends baby shower and to get some chores done. If anyone plans on stopping by the hospital or the house, please call first as I'm unpredictable as to where I'll be Saturday and Sunday outside baby shower times. Thank you family, friends and strangers for keeping us in your thoughts, Thank-you God for our many blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww congratulations! Good job Lucas and Mommy! I'm so happy that he's doing so well; I can't think of a more deserving person than you to receive this kind of miracle!
