Wednesday, November 23, 2011

So, we begin...

Meet baby Lucas.
He is my sister's little baby boy, who has not yet been born, but he's in a precarious situation.

My sister is currently in the hospital after carrying him for 25 weeks. It started with a coincidental dentist appointment, a random "let's take our blood pressure" moment in the grocery store, and a follow-up appointment with her doctor.
My sister has preeclampsia, and although friends and family are all trying to comfort her with stories about how they've had pre-mature babies, or they've had preeclampsia, we both know that each baby is different. So we're going to focus all our attention on this little guy and pray and pray that he does okay and that he has a lot of fight in him.

We're thinking that Kristen is going to deliver on Friday, which puts her at 25 weeks. Then, Baby Boy will be spending some time in the NICU.

The more I write, the more therapeutic this feels, so I'm hoping to be updating this blog every step of the way.

If' you're reading this, your prayers are appreciated!

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