Lucas update! We got positive news this morning from Dr. Kerr in the NICU. Lucas's electrolites have improved and so has his jaundice. They're taking him off of the photo therapy, although the warned that most likely he'll have to go back on later. This is a good sign. He was removed from the oscillating ventilator and placed on the regular one that means his need for higher oxygen levels has reduced.
The results of his heart scan show the PDA (open heart valve issue) was not fixed with the first treatment, so they have given him a second treatment and will look at his heart again. If his PDA does not improve, it is possible that they may need to send him to Children's for surgery, but they will only do this if the impact of the PDA is greater than the impact surgery would have to his health. The scan of his brain has been done, but as of right now, the results are not in.
Brandon and Kristen are excited to have some positive news to help keep our heads up and staying positive. We continue to pray that things will go well and remain educated about what might not go well. Brandon prays every night for his son and other families going through the same thing.
my son was born with a PDA and it was actually beneficial for them to wait until the hole partially closed itself before they attempted to do surgical repair.... which they did when he was 8 months old. He is now a strapping young man of 6ft tall and 190 lbs.. keep the faith.. K. Rice