Friday, November 25, 2011

Baby's here!

I've been hearing that a lot of people are following this blog. Thank you so much! Kristen and Brandon are very appreciative of your thoughts and concerns.

I talked to Kristen, and I wanted to wait until I had a lot of information before posting. So, here it is:

Lucas Matthew Sharp was born at 9:03 a.m. this morning by cesarian. He weighs approximately 1 pound, 1 ounce, and I don't know how long he is, but Brandon and I estimated he is a little longer than one man's hand (as he has a picture of the baby being held up by the doctor, which I won't post because it's bloody).

I was able to visit the NICU today and see him. It's very dark because he needs to be protected so he can grow, but he has a whole room to himself. He's sooo tiny, but his color is really good. The nurse said that he had some complications getting the tubes in, but they're in now and he's stable. He's a pocket-size little piece of adorable if you ask me.

Kristen is asking that only immediate family visit her at the hospital. She's very sore and needs a lot of rest. Plus, it's probably very stressful knowing that she won't be able to see her baby (due to having just had major surgery) outside of seeing pictures. We won't be able to hold him for a while either. She does appreciate your warm thoughts and prayers.

If you want me to tell her anything, comment on this post, and I'll make sure to get the message to her.  You can also add me on Facebook: Jamie Demson.

Here are some pictures of Lucas (and Lucas accessories) from today.

Right after he was born.

It's dark, but he's in his isolette now. You can see his fingers.

Much clearer than the first picture. The goop in his eyes is to keep them closed so they can develop.

Diane's cellphone on top of one of his diapers. The diaper fits into her hand, and it's actually too big on him!


  1. omg im happy 4 you and kinda sad ill keep him in my praires

  2. how is it possible 4 him 2 still b diveloping wen hes out of his moms belly.he must b really premochure!
