Lucas had a rough day yesterday on the ventilator - his heart rate & oxygen levels kept dropping. But today, was a good day. His ventilator settings have been adjusted down again today and he was taken off the Verced pain medication. He is still on a small dose of Fentanyl, but will probably be off that real soon. His feedings were increased again to 4.5 ml over 1 hr. Its pretty possible they will be taking him off the ventilator again. The pain meds have a suppressing affect the respiratory system, so he should do better if he's not on them. I got to hold him for 2 hours tonight and it was great as usual. He was very awake this time and enjoyed a few rounds of twinkle twinkle little star as well as Mary had a little lamb. Now he just needs to get bigger!
The nurse said that the babies don't move to the crib from the isolette until they are 4lbs (1800 grams) so Lucas is going to be in the isolette for a while. He was 1 lb 12oz last night. They're adding a breast milk fortifier to add calories and help him gain weight. He says Hi and Happy New Year to everyone.
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