Wednesday, January 11, 2012

first onesie, first bath

Uh Oh, I lost my feeding tube! Baby's First Bath
Baby's first onesie- mommy does love him!

Lucas came off the ventilator yesterday afternoon and has been doing really, really well! He was in his first onesie when we got to the hospital today. This was super exciting for Brandon and me. We helped with cares today and the asked i we wanted to give him his first bath... well of course!


  1. What sweet moments. I pray for Lucas every day and am so excited by all of his progress. God does answer.

    Kelly Rank

  2. How sweet he is. A blessing from God and you have to believe God Loves him... Praying he gets to go home soon. He is so little!

  3. That is awesome that you guys are being able to take part of these type of things now! I am glad that Lucas is doing better. Sounds like he is starting to get a good pair of lungs on him.

    Lots of Love
    Chelsey Greer and Family
