Lucas is getting big! He weighs 7lbs 6 oz. Head circumference is 14 '' and he is 18.25 '' long! He has decided this week that he is going through a fussy phase. He wants to be held all the time and fights taking his bottle. His feeding progress has gone back a few steps from a few Weeks ago. Because of this and because he is now almost 44 Weeks gestational age, we will begin discussions about getting a "g button" surgically placed. This is a feeding tube placed directly into the intestine for the feedings he won't take by mouth. He will likely come home on oxygen too. So, we're having to consider different arrangements initially for his care when he comes home including needing oxygen tank set up, in home nurse visits or respite care services. These are possibilities, but nothing is certain right now. We know he's growing and becoming more aware each day. He will be getting his 4 month immunizations some time this week and probably also getting a special eye exam called a fundoscopy exam.